Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 10, 2019


Storm prevention procedures and action plans for the Evason Ana Mandara
·        To ensure that the resort has full action and procedure plan in order to be prepared for and be able to cope with sudden changes in weather conditions.
·        Upon receiving information that a possible storm is forecast to hit Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Chief of storm prevention team (the Head of Security), Head of Experience and the GM Secretary together regularly check the information from the local meteorological reports and weather forecasts via online and real images from satellites. GM or MOD should be present at the resort at all times, and where possible as many HOD’s as can be present.

·       When the storm is coming, we need the following amount of male hosts  available from the departments as follows :
No. of hosts
Accounting & Purchasing
HR – Training-Nurse


·     GM/HODs to ensure all resort hosts are informed of storm and that storm prevention plan is required to be put into action as follows:

1)Front office 


 24 hours before storm:
·        A note is to be sent to each guest room informing them that a possible storm is forecast to hit Nha Trang.
·        The letter will be issued from the office of the GM & FOM or GSE, including contact numbers for further information/assistance.
·        Letter should warn guests that in the event of a storm that Viet Nam airline will probably close the airport and explain in detail transport options available as alternatives.
·        This should also be placed on the notice board at Reception area.
12 hours before storm:
·        Porters to close all windows, doors and ensure bamboo blinds if already down, are pulled back up from the fishpond, near shop and all secured correctly.
·     Any breakable item in the lobby, for example: lamps, flower vases, fish feeding container to be removed and stored at the concierge store room.
·     Telephone Operater to remain at the PABX on full alert standby.
·     FOM and team to contact all guest rooms in order to ensure guests are all OK and not in state of panic. Reassure guests that we have been through such storm before.
During the storm:
·     Ensure all guests in their various locations are ok, Again staff must be ensure elderly guests and little children’s whereabouts is.
·     If not running full occupancy should guest’s rooms experience maintenance problems or damage, to assist in a calm mouth manner to change guests to alternative rooms.
·     If running a full house, any damaged rooms, must have guests evacuated and taken to a safe sheltered place, if necessary and safe to do so arrange alternative accommodation outside.
After the storm:
·     Ensure all guests are informed the storm has passed.
·     Take necessary action through crisis management to deal with any guest issues, maintenance problems, or concerns.
24 hours befor the storm:

·     Ensure that an urgent meeting is called for with all members of the storm prevention team in order to provide full report on storm status and assign tasks.
12 hours befor the storm:
·       Co-ordinates with Chief Engineer/ maintenace in order to make the following preparations are completed:
a)  Enough rain coats are available.
b) Boots and helmets are issued
c)  Ladders, wire, ropes and wood are organised.
d) Tools are ready to hand.
·     All tools and equipment as stipulated by the storm prevention team requirements are to be concentrated at the restaurant 108.
·     Ensure all available electric torches are available, and batteries in ready supply. Ensure walkie-talkie are functioning properly.

During the storm:
·     Closely monitor the high standing trees around the resort, with special attention being paid to those near/outside guest rooms. With strong winds, these easily can be blown down causing unthinkable damage. In the event of possible trees being blown down, or in event of an emergency, guests must immediately be taken to a place of safety.
·     All medical supplies on hand at the resort, from security, sports center, nurse, FO to be ready and readily available should they be required.
·     Remind people not to be arbitrarily go out when there are high winds.
·     Storm prevention teams to constantly in rotation schedule walk the entire property. GM and HOD’s to constantly be updated of any problems at the resort.
·     Storm prevention team to ensure a duty night shift group is organised in case the storm is prolonged.
·     Ensure the power of garden lights has been cut by maintenance where lights may be submerged as a result of heavy downpours. This ultimately ensure the safety for guests when and if passing by lights to access resort public areas/rooms.
- After the storm:
·     Make a full and comprehensive damage report, and ensure digital photos are also taken as supporting evidence for insurance purposes.
·     Duty security should assist in any way necessary in helping with the clean up process.
24 hours before the storm:
·       Ensure all lightning poles throughout the resort and all earthing equipment is in full working order.
·     Ensure the generator is in good working order in case there is a power cut from the city supply.
·     Ensure there is more than sufficient petrol for the generator. If there is any problem (no matter how small) a small standing genset is to be organised for supplying power for public areas, lighting and warter supplies.
·     Co-ordinate with the storm prevention team in preparation of all tools and equipment needed for storm prevention works:
+Wood, wire to tighten thatch roofs, and trees within the resort premises.
·      Move all items, which can be removed to a safe place for storage.
·      If waves and sea conditions are rough, ensure lighting along the beach is cut off to prevent electrical problems, and to ensure safety.
·      Be on full alert and standby to provide maintenace support for repairing and damaged areas in the property, however, ensuring this is only done if staff will not be injured though extreme danger. Caution should be exercised and Chief Engineer to organise staff to areas most urgently needing attention.
24 hours before the storm:
·       Ensure all removable facilities and equipment is safely stored in  the HK store.
·     Ensure all bamboo blinds at the room terraces are pulled up and safely secured.
·     IF any guests are seen to be outside their rooms on their terraces, housekeeping staff to advise to go inside their rooms to order to be safe and avoid any possible unexpected injury.
·     Ensure staff from housekeeping area in-house during storms, except emergency cases. All staff to be on standby and fully prepared with wet weather gear – boots, helmet and raincoats.
·     All cushions in public areas, spa reception, and courtyard to be stored in the concierge luggage storeroom.
·     Prepare torches for guest rooms in case of power cuts occurring. Ensure sufficient batteries are issued to each guest room
·     Where possible remove furniture and breakable items from room terraces . If rooms are vacant move terrace furniture inside.
·     Ensure all room doors, both terrace and entrance doors are closed and secured.
·     Ensure extra staff are on standby until the storm is over.
·     Maintain communication constantly with storm prevention team and be prepared to assist any work necessary if problems arise.
·     Prepare all cleaning materials such as mops, buckets, rags in order to ensure floors of public areas are kept as dry as possible to prevent accidents as a result of slipping. Equipment also to be set aside in case of leaking.
·     Co-ordinate with Front Office and Porters in helping the guests quickly changing rooms in case of damage or leaking.
·     Ensure if guests especially the elderly or little children move around tha FO and security are informed of their whereabouts.
5) Gardening:
Before storm/rainy season:
·   Before storm season is due, gardening team through using wood and wire must ensure all easily damaged trees/plant in the resort gardens are secured.
·   Cut and remove and large branches from trees also any near to villa roofs are removed.
·   The two above procedures must be fully completed a minimum of two weeks prior to the expected arrival of the rainy season.
24 hours before the storm:
·   Gardening team to assist with ensuring all trees and large plants in gardens are secured properly.
·   Ensure team is on standby and if necessary extra workers organised for clean up operations.
·   Ensure all outdoor fixtures, furniture and equipment, potted plants and breakable items are moved to the nursery and housekeeping huts.
·   If any problem are observed in the gardens, immediately inform the storm prevention team.
·   After the storm is over, gardening team and contract labourers are temporarily employed to clean beach and damage from resort garden.
6)Food and beverage:
24 hours before the storm:
·   Ensure all bambo blinds in restaurant and lobby bar are all pulled up and secured properly.
·   Move all tables from the outside section of the restaurant inside. If there is not enough space then move to the library for strorage.
·   In the case of severe or prolonged bad weahter conditions the restaurant wil move to the library where F&B operations will be carried out.
·   Move all valuables and breakable items to the pantry or to the wine cellar for safe storage.
·   All windows inside restaurant along with doors should be closed and secured properly.
·   Pool bar to the closed and all elctrical equipment if not removable covered properly.
·   Co-ordinate with the storm prevention team to assess situation.
·   Prepare cleaning tools such as rags, mops, buckets and cloths in case of leakages.
·   Maintain communication constantly with storm prevention team and be prepared to assist any work necessary if problems arise.
7) Kitchen:
24 hours before the torm:
·   Move all removable facilities and goods within range to dry and safe place inside kitchen.
·   Close all doors and windows to prevent breakages from strong winds.
·   Ask maintenance to check the gas tanks and their piping, avoid collides.
·   Prepare cleaning tools , such as water containers, rags and mops, case of leakage from the roofs.
24 hours before the torm:
·   Check all beach huts, beach umbrellas and roofs of Experience to ensure they are all ok and not damaged.
·   Move all beah chairs, tables, wooden walkway to the stone embankment and cushions, canvas umbrellas to the Experience store.
·   Red flag should be displayed on the beach to warn guests to stay away from the tide line.
·   Close the jetty with rope barrier.
·   Close the Experience office doors and windows.
·   Maintain communication constantly with storm prevention team and be prepared to assist any work necessary if problems arise.

9)Purchasing Department:
12 hours before the torm:
·   To ensure the receiving area is cleared and all items.
10) Telephone System – PABX
·   Operator immediately contacts Chief Engineer if a problem with the PABX results due to stormy or bad weather.
·   Any software problem must immediately reported and Chief Engineer and Systems Executive contacted.
·   It will through using backup data restore online billing systems.
11)Computer Systems
·   If the server is down due to stormy weather conditions, Systems Executive must immediately be called.
·   If the problem is technical Systems Executive will co-ordinate with Chief Engineer to resolve issue and reset the system.
12) Spa Department :
·   Spa hosts move all cushions, towels and items from Sala lounge to Massage lounge.
·   Move all electronic equipment such as stereo, computer and printer, CD player… from the reception to the Spa manager’s office for safe storage.
13) Ana Beach house :
·   Pull the bamboo blinds and tie securely.
·   Move all tables, chairs and cushions from the outside to the beach restaurant.
·   Close the glass doors securely.
14) Kitchen:
·   Move all removable facilities and goods within range to dry and safe place inside kitchen.
·   Close all doors and windows to prevent breakages from strong winds.
Ask maintenance to check the gas tanks and their piping to avoid collides. 

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