Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 10, 2019


At 16:30, Ms.Kim in R.128 came to reception and asked for help. Ms. Hieu was in charge the Front desk at that time.

The driver took them back to the resort and asked them to pay 6.500.000vnd but the guests only want to pay 650.000vnd as they had the conversation before.

Ms. Hieu asked the driver to provide the agreement with the guests but he could not show any things.

The driver shown the action to intimidate guests and he wanted to take the guests to the police station but ms. Hiêu stopped him.

The guest also called to the ambassador office to report this incident at that time.

After negotiation and helping from Ms. Hieu the driver charged only 1.700.000vnd and the guests agreed to pay this amount

However, The guests still wanted to let everybody know about this incident to prevent tourists from being cheated.

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