Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 4, 2020


Nắm cái cốt lõi tổng quát và hổng có chuẩn bị trước. Tuỳ duyên không rập khuôn. 

TẤT CẢ LÀ MÌNH. NHÌN NGƯỜI QUA KHÍ THANH. GIAO TIẾP THANH KHÍ. Good evening, nice to meet you! My name is Dung. Can I help you with something?,  How’s your food ? How do you feel about the food here ?  Did you enjoy or have any problem during your stay here?  What do you think about VN. Do you feel comfortable here ? In your time in this resort, have you had anything very memorable ? How do you feel VN compares to Thailand ? People are really sweet and very welcoming. Did you like the culture here ? Does it suit you ? . Is there anything here that you would like to change? I mean if you could.  Do you any impression (of the resort) here ? Would you like any recommendations for food to try ? Nếu giả sử bạn cho chút lời khuyên đến người có kế hoạch thăm VN, thì đó là gì = if you were to give one piece of advice to someone planning to visit VN, what would it be?. If you could change one thing about the resort, what would it be ?. Can you explain what you mean by that? Welcome to us. Nice to meet you. How was your trip ?. Did you have a good trip ?.   Xin chao ! would you like something else ? How is the food here ?, good or not good ?,  Good evening. What do you think about our resort ? What do you like about the resort ?(bạn thích điều gì về khu nghỉ mát?). Good evening.  Nice to meet you. Im Dung. Im on duty manager today. How are you today. Are you happy today? How do you feel about the weather in Việt Nam ? How long have you been in Việt Nam?(bạn đến Việt Nam Lâu chưa) How many places have you visited in Việt Nam? How was your day, what about your day today ? (Did) he take you shopping?  What about your stay here ?= bạn ở đây như thế nào? . Do you enjoy food here ?  You can tell me anything. Enjoy yourself. I hope you enjoy your stay here. How long will you stay here ?(đang ở).  How long will you be staying  for ?(sắp ở). How much longer will you stay here?(bạn ở thêm bao lâu nữa). How many days have you been here ?  All our room are fully occupied. Would you like a wake-up call? Breakfast is from 6am to 9 am. Lunch is served between 10am and 1pm. Dinner's served between 6pm to 9:30pm. Sory We do not have any rooms available. Glad to be of service. Enjoy your meal ! -  , chúc bạn ngon miệng. Was everything alright? Mọi việc ổn cả chứ ạ ? Are you having fun? What do you like the best about here? How was your vacation ? Can we go find some chinese food. How do you feel about the food here? Do you enjoy eating here ? What do you like about this resort ? How are you feeling after your trip ? Good or not good ?  Can you tell me what is the food like ? How would you like your steak cooked ? Would you like anything else sir?

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